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Practice Planning

Practice planning is a complex process that does not only depend on how much the knowledge coach has gained by modern sports science and practice, but also whether the coach at its sole discretion sets the goals and tasks it wants to achieve in a particular season, with particular athletes or a team. The plan must adapt to the goals that have been defined by the management of the club, school or a national sports federation that have hired coach. Mode of the desired results have to be planned, the plan and the training program needs to be consistent with the objective capabilities and characteristics of individuals and teams, material, technical, human resources and other resources available to coaches.

When planning a practice program, each coach starts with an assessment of the initial condition of athletes or a team (health status, morphological characteristics, level of motor and functional skills, level of technical-tactical knowledge, psychological profile of individuals and the team as a whole), as well as defined final states that should enable the realization of the set development and / or competition goals.

To be successful in the development of a sports program, it is necessary to be creative, resourceful, ready to take on certain risks, provide positive experiences, be innovative, organized, develop awareness of all aspects of the program, engage in current training and education programs, create a network for information gathering and support.

To develop a seasonal (long-term) practice plan, you need to take a number of important steps, make important decisions. You are arrayed with specific and general knowledge that the projected seasonal plan would be realistic, achievable and productive in terms of achieving set goals. When you have such a plan, you need to develop within it mid-term, short-term and specific, ongoing training plans for each day.

To have a successful plan it is not enough to know only the content (what), the method (how), the volume and the intensity (how much), but rather match it all with season period (pre-season, competitive season, post-season) and period in the training cycle (macrocycle, mesocycle, microcycle). However, the key, especially in the long-term, and then all other forms of training planning, is ensuring that practice programs comply with specific content requirements and organization practice activities for children and young athletes in one of the three stages of sports development - trying out or getting acquainted with sports (sampling phase: age of 6-12 years), specialization (13-15 years) and investment (16-22 years), or four age and sport development phases - the initial (age of 6-10 years), puberty stage (11-14 years), post-puberty and adolescent phase (15-18 years) and the stage of superior performance (19 years or more).

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