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What kind of coach are you?


Never admits a mistake, athletes do not trust him, because he never shows anything. However, he thinks he has more knowledge than he realizes. Often he does not do what he says. He is very egocentric. Keeps preaching to athletes more than they train. In return, athletes do not believe in him, they turn off and do not listen to him. This coach has not learned that respect is not given, but deserved. Think about how many athletes have confidence in your communication, how much do they believe in what you are telling them? Do you communicate with very low, average or high credibility?


Most of the practices of this coach are negative, and sometimes almost hostile. Athletes are constantly criticized, never satisfied, rarely praises because he thinks that coaches do not "have" to be kind. If, however, it happens to him, the praise is usually immediately overclouded by some other negative comments. Think about whether your messages to athletes are primarily positive or negative?


This type of coach constantly assesses his athletes instead of coaching them. When they make mistake, he blames them, but he does not give them a feedback and does not show how to correct the mistake. When they do well, the coach "judge" boasts them, but does not know how to instruct them to achieve even higher levels of skill. Because of the constant assessment, no matter how occasionally it can be positive, in the vicinity of coach "judge" athletes feel insecure and unpleasant. Think about that, do you provide enough athletes and instructions for your athletes or are you more like a "judge"? Whether the content of your communication with athletes is richer with feedback and information or by trial and judgment.


Athletes are never sure what the inconsistent coach will say next. Today he talks and does one thing, and tomorrow another. For the same behavior punishes one player, and not the other. Tells players not to argue with the refs, and he does it regularly. Consider how many messages you send consistently and are your procedures consistent with what you are talking about?


Coach "stone face" never shows his emotions, does not laugh, does not frown, does not pat the athlete on the shoulder, does not express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with them. His players feel unsafe because they do not know what the coach thinks and how he feels. Do you effectively, verbally or non-verbal, show and communicate your emotions, or is your face expressionless? How good are you in constructing your emotions?


This coach is the most talkative person you've ever met. During training, he constantly gives instructions, whether they were needed or not. It's a person who does not "shuts his mouth". During the game, he always murmurs something to himself. He's so busy talking that he does not have time to listen to his players. It never comes to mind to him that players might say something to him. This style of communication can be very hard, especially when it comes to kids and young athletes, although adults don't like it either. Athletes lead by such a coach often want to work in peace, without unnecessary and disturbing talking, and they usually wonder: "Is this man ever going to shut up?" Obviously, such a coach is lacking in listening skills dramatically. Think about whether you are a good listener, or are you a coach "jibber jabber"?


The "professor" coach can not explain anything at a level understandable to his athletes. Or he speaks too scientifically, or in an anecdotal way, that the athlete is further confused. He is used to talk only with abstractions, so he can not explain anything and demonstrate practically - to show skills in a logical order so that athletes can understand its basics. Are you able to provide your athletes with clear, simple and understandable instructions and a proper demonstration, or are you a coach "professor"? Do you need to improve your ability to give instructions, explanations and demonstrations of a proper performance?


This coach does not fully understand the principles of reward and support. Although he rewards his athletes often, he does that by rewarding the wrong behavior at the wrong time. When confronted with bad behavior, he either allows the violation to pass, or with his full might, comes on the athlete. What are your skills and knowledge about awarding and punishing athletes? Do you understand the basic principles of corroboration, or are you as a coach who does not differentiate the nature nor the intensity of his reactions (rewards and punishments) with the weight and type of bad or good behavior of athletes. When punishing,he punishes everyone and in excessive manner, when he praises, it also makes no difference whether praise is deserved or not.

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